Friday, March 1, 2013

Simple Steps to Effectively Train Your Puppy

Many people choose to adopt a puppy without really thinking it through first. You need to be very dedicated to training a new pet. They need to be properly trained so that they are well-behaved and do not get into any trouble. This article provides the basics for puppy training.

When training your puppy, do not use food solely the source of control when it comes to its behavior. Food is something that your puppy must have to survive. Therefore, you should find other ways to reward your puppy. Give your puppy a bit of praise in addition to food treats.

Feeding your puppy well and giving him lots of toys will stop him from rummaging through trash. You can also curb such behavior by emptying the trash often and putting savory leftovers in a separate, sealed bag. Make sure your puppy is crated whenever you leave the house, or else empty out our trash.

Love your puppy at all times during the day. When your puppy is showing good behaviors, lots of positive reinforcement is important. When he behaves and obeys you, shower him with praise. This reinforces the positive behaviors in such a way that your puppy wants to obey you.

Don't vocalize your puppy's name negatively. Your puppy will behave and not get confused if their name is always used in a positive way for this reason, avoid using names when upset or as punishment.

Consistency is imperative when training a puppy. Consistency means using the same words for commands, the same tone, and the same rewards whenever your puppy successfully completes a task.

Make sure that you use control to reward your puppy's good training behavior. Reward them only when your puppy is calm after it performs a trick. Even though your accomplishment might thrill you, they reflect your energy. Do not lose control of any situation with contagious excitement and enthusiasm. Remain calm, expect them to be calm, and then award them when appropriate.

One tip to keep in mind when training your puppy is to never, ever reward bad behavior in an effort to quickly end a behavior. That will result in the puppy thinking it can do whatever it wants, whenever it wants. For instance, avoid giving treats to calm a barking puppy.

Does your puppy have a problem with biting furniture or even other people? If so, then spray them with a mist of water. This helps the puppy learn which behaviors are not acceptable. Afterwards your puppy won't do these things anymore.

If your puppy has been behaving badly for years, it will be hard to get rid of this behavior for good. If the previous owner or you have let your puppy sleep on all kinds of furniture or jump up on other people for a long time, it can take some time to change those behaviors. If the behavior was addressed when the puppy was a puppy, then it can be easier to change the behavior more quickly.

Pay attention to the puppy's signs so that accidents indoors do not occur. Puppies will behave in a certain way when they start to 'feel the need'. Learning this pattern can help you take your puppy out immediately and it shows them what proper behavior is. Being in sync with the natural tendencies of your puppy will make house training much easier for both of you.

As the puppy gets better at training, you can let it have more freedom. You will find your puppy to be more obedient and your puppy will be happier. Be cautious on not giving your puppy too much freedom right away, because this could have a bad effect when it comes to your puppy's training.

Training success means scheduling training every single day consistently. Puppies will learn orders after you repeat them for a while. Additionally, the act of spending time with your pet each day will make it know that you're a reliable and consistent person. This will help him start to see you as a leader.

Always make use of positive reinforcement when it comes to training your puppy. Praise your puppy when he deserves it, and give him treats to show that you are pleased. Don't yell and/or hit your puppy. Not only does it not work, it encourages the belief by the puppy that you have no idea what is going on. Instead, make sure you are firm, patient, consistent and positive so that you can achieve the best possible results.

You must remain flexible when it comes to training. This will allow you to still teach your puppy when it is struggling. This allows you to adjust your training methods to whatever works best for your puppy.

Even a well-trained family puppy that is already a satisfying pet will benefit from the tips presented here. Make sure you react before the puppy injures himself or someone else.

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