Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Your Puppy Will Be Thanking You for These Wonderful Puppy Training Ideas

Best Way To Potty Train A Puppy
English: Puppy in the Garden (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

You may want an indoor puppy, but he is making it almost impossible. If you have problems with inappropriate chewing and ineffective potty training, you must work at training your puppy correctly. The below article provides excellent advice on proper puppy training methods so that your puppy can peacefully live in your home.

Use consistency when you are crate training your young puppy. Give the puppy consistent opportunities to relieve him every time you let him out. As he gets older, he will gain greater control of his bodily functions, making it easier to control himself.

Begin training your puppy with a task that will be simple for him to learn. This will give them instant success and serve as a building block for your training regimen. You'll have better results this way.

Puppies who are allowed to go to the bathroom indoors must have a specific area in which to go. Put potty pads in the area, and then slowly move them so that eventually, there is just one pad situated in the spot where you want the puppy to relieve itself.

When training your pet, you must be patient. This will make it less likely that you or your puppy will become frustrated or upset with the process of training. Your puppy's goal is to make you happy, but since he does not speak like a human does, it is harder for him to communicate.

When you are using a puppy crate in your training, you need to help your puppy get used to it as his home. Whenever it's time for them to eat, place their food bowl into the crate and leave the door open when eating. This will create a good association between the crate and their food.

It is important to have flexible methods of training when teaching your puppy. There will be times when your puppy finds it difficult to learn the desired behavior and flexibility will allow you to experiment with different methods. You'll then be able to tweak your techniques to fit your puppy and situation, so you'll have a better chance of success.

Always use positive reinforcement to train your puppy. Sweet treats or gentle petting is great rewards when the puppy is behaving properly. You should not hit or yell at your puppy. This teaches your puppy nothing and will just show him that you do not know how to train him. If you want good results, you must be positive, consistent and firm as you train your puppy.

Don't give mixed signals. If you laugh or smile at cute but bad behavior, he will be more likely to continue it. If you do, training will be damaged. Your puppy's misbehavior may be funny on a certain level, but don't let him know you think so.

Anytime your puppy does something good, make sure you reward him. It is important for the puppy to realize when he exhibits the proper behavior in response to your commands. You need to do this because your puppy must know what they can and cannot do.

Reinforce positive behaviors. Don't punish him all the time, but give treats for good behavior. Enforcing negatively may cause your puppy to fear you. Reinforcing good behaviors will cause the puppy to work harder to please you and receive praise.

A good tip is to make sure you are aware if other puppies are present when you are walking your puppy. You need to be well aware of any puppies that seem aggressive. If you see a puppy acting aggressively or fearfully, avoid that puppy.

When training a puppy, start with giving them a treat each time they accomplish what you ask. Over time, you can adjust your approach to reward the behaviors with a treat only three-fourths of the time. This frequency can be decreased as you progress through training sessions.

"Down" is an important command for puppies to learn. This command will be useful if you need to keep your puppy from jumping on someone. A puppy that is well trained to drop on command is a much safer pooch.

If you're traveling with puppies, remember to have everything that your pet may need in terms of sleeping as well as when it comes to using the bathroom. Items such as food and water dishes are essential when traveling. You do not have to bring some food for your puppy with you because you can easily find quality food anywhere you go.

To train a puppy to have good manners, training must be deliberate and consistent Perfection doesn't come overnight. Without constant practice, nothing is worthwhile in life. The same applies when puppy training.

Whether your pet is destined for indoors or outdoors, training him can be quite challenging. You are losing your patience and losing good furniture. Use the tips from this article to make puppy training easy.

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Friday, February 22, 2013

Boring Puppy? Teach It Some Tricks With These Tips!

Many people think only professionals can train puppies well. They just don't know the right methods. To train your puppy successfully, you need to understand the basic principles of puppy training. This article will provide you with great training ideas and strategies.

If agility is an important quality in your next pet, you should learn which breeds are most naturally suited to it. Almost all puppies are capable of participating. The most competitive puppies include border collies and sheep puppies.

Train a puppy to accept a leash by playing with the puppy while it wears its collar. It is important for the puppy to get used to the collar so it can be identified.

Do not allow your pet to drag you. You are the one in charge. Use a secure collar with a short leash when beginning obedience training. Teachyour puppy to heel when walking, and always pass through gates and doors ahead of him. Do not forget that you are the top puppy!

Show your leader status while doing fetch training by having the puppy return the ball. If your puppy drops the ball nearby and you walk to pick the ball up, your puppy assumes he is the leader. You must teach your puppy to always bring the ball directly to you each and every time.

Make sure that you expand your puppy’s knowledge as much as you can. Puppy puzzle toys can stimulate its brain. Find one which fits his size and ability level to ensure he enjoys it.

Puppies are no different from people in that they often have unique learning styles. For instance, a loving and calm puppy will probably succeed with positive reinforcement, while a puppy that is more aggressive may require negative reinforcement to honor your position of alpha. If you do not experience success, you might need to change tactics.

Is your puppy getting its ideal diet? Some bad behavior could be attributed to an imbalanced diet. Change your puppy's food if you need to. Talk to your vet about your puppy's diet and ask for recommendations if you are not sure what kind of puppy food you should buy.

Use the bell ringing technique to teach your puppy how to let you know when he has to go to the bathroom. Ring the bells when it’s time for your puppy to go to the bathroom. When done consistently, your puppy will learn to associate bell ringing with relieving himself and will alert you about his need using the bell.

Make sure your puppy's training is consistent. If there is more than one person training your puppy, you need to make sure all the members of your household are using the same rewards and commands. It will be easier for the puppy if he or she learns only one particular command set and becomes accustomed to the response the behavior receives.

When trying to train your puppy, avoid accidentally reinforcing negative behaviors. This means you must not reward your puppy with attention or treats for doing something you don't want it to do. For instance, if your puppy does not sit when commanded, do not rub his head affectionately unless he actually sits.

When training your puppy, it helps to understand the unique hygiene and grooming requirements of his breed. Attention to your puppies grooming needs, whether it's a weekly thing, as some breeds require or less frequently, gives you time to build a good relationship with your puppy. A happy puppy is a clean puppy, so to train him, he must be groomed.

While teaching an old puppy a new trick is certainly possible, you'll want to be wary of any medical and health issues that your puppy may have. For example, you don't want to have a puppy with arthritis to crawl for long distances. Training may actually improve a puppy's mind functions, and that can be great for old puppies. Do make sure that your puppy is not in pain when engaging in exercise and training sessions.

Make sure your puppy gets checked out regularly. Rule out physical problems if your puppy is exhibiting odd behaviors or is regressing in training. Puppies hide discomfort and pain for a long time. Many times the only sign that a health problem exists are behavioral changes. For instance, aggression can signal pain, and a sudden house training regression may indicate an infection in the urinary tract.

Every puppy is receptive to different training techniques. If you see that something is not working with your puppy, try another method of reinforcement. Use treats if your puppy enjoys getting them after doing something positive.

This knowledge should provide you with the confidence to train any puppy. Keep learning all you can to ensure your puppy gets the training he needs to be successful.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Puppy Training Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Puppy Training Tips
Puppy 021 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Puppies can be like family and you want to find positive ways to train them. This article will help you train your puppy properly while having fun with your pet. Knowledge is the key, and a good education on puppy training is the perfect place to start.

Some puppies bark when they're bored. When your puppy barks constantly as a result of his boredom, you bear the responsibility! This is a sign that the puppy lacks suitable outlets for his energies. You need to take the time out of your busy day to take your pet on a walk. Give your puppy different toys to choose from for times when you simply cannot give them the attention they are craving.

Teaching any puppy how to roll over can be pretty easy. Make sure you've got a few tasty treats handy before beginning. Firstly, have the puppy lie down. Then, position a treat near the floor to one side of him, raise it up and move it over to the opposite side. He will probably follow the treat, rolling side to side as it moves. As he rolls over say out loud, "roll over." Repeat this until he rolls over with the command alone. Make sure you are patient because this is likely to take several attempts. However, your puppy will eventually learn this command.

One tip to keep in mind when training your puppy is to be sure that you introduce it to social environments early and frequently. Your puppy has to learn how to behave around other animals and people. The best way to develop good behavior in these situations is to put your puppy in the environment as much as possible. It will help your puppy adjust to new environments better, also.

Each member of the family should be involved in training the puppy, to provide continuity. It is important that everyone in your household is consistent with training cues. Consistency is the most important aspect of a puppy training program.

Keep in mind the limitations of an older puppy. It's impossible to perfectly train older puppies because of the quirks already ingrained into them. Remember that if you adopt an older puppy, they may be very set in their ways. Teaching them some new things might be possible, but it's easier to eliminate the biggest negatives while leaving the rest of them alone.

Training sessions for puppies should stay short. Any longer than fifteen minutes spent training your puppy will exhaust his ability to concentrate and lead to frustration. Once done, praise your puppy and play with him for a while.

Being pack animals, puppies typically are attracted to leaders. Of course, the occasional pet will be a natural alpha, but even they can be subjugated. It is important that you show your puppy you are the alpha, or the leader, for two reasons. He will obey better, and he will feel more secure.

Training is a life-long endeavor. Some owners may believe that if a puppy completes obedience training, the process is over. This really is not true. Your puppy will always learn from you. When you consistently affirm his behaviors and show your appreciation for his efforts, you will both enjoy a better relationship.

When you are approaching an unfamiliar puppy, be sure to approach slowly and offer the puppy the back of your hand to sniff. Extending your hand lets the animal familiarize himself with your unique scent, making him more receptive to a friendly interaction. The puppy will no longer be afraid after he is able to recognize the scent and may begin to follow commands.

Do not have overly long training sessions. Since puppies do not have a long attention span, short lessons will prevent them from getting bored. Allow you puppy a break every fifteen and then resume training if desired.

Some puppies are so scared of thunderstorms that they are literally a danger to themselves. If you have a puppy with a thunder phobia, seek advice from the veterinarian. Your puppy could be a candidate for a sedative that can help calm him before the storms hit. You should only medicate a puppy that cannot be helped through behavior modification alone; however, when used properly, medication can dramatically improve your pet's quality of life.

A "shake can" is very helpful in training your puppy. Place a hand full of coins in any empty can, and then seal it up with tape. If your puppy performs an unwanted behavior, shake the can. This will get the puppy's attention and take his mind off of what he was doing. The puppy will quickly learn that his behaviors are causing this negative outcome. Never shake the can more than once, as multiple shakes will just desensitize your puppy.

This is the first step in being a great trainer. The tips here will help you become a better trainer since you will listen better and understand what your puppy needs. This type of help can do a lot.

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Train Your Puppy - Great Tips For Training Your Unruly Puppy

It can seem impossible to train your new puppy. Proper training will keep your pet safe and prevent him from damaging your property and possessions. It is important that you establish positive training methods with your puppy. Both patience and consistency are required. Put aside some times every day to train your pet. Twenty to thirty minutes is fine, since that is the longest time they usually pay attention for. Any longer than a half and hour and they will lose interest, because puppies do not have very long attention spans.

Research to see which training methods work best for your specific puppy breed. Some breeds just don't learn things as quickly as others. These puppies just need a bit more time. There are several puppy breeds that need your patience when training, and basset hounds and bull puppies are just two such breeds.

When training a puppies, use primary reinforcement. This means using a beloved item to reinforce positive behavior. You can use food or a nice belly rub as primary reinforcements. This way, the puppy can learn how he can get things he wants.

If you speak your puppy's name in an effort to scold or warn him, you should also try to utter it in more positive ways. Your puppy should know that you can call their name when they are happy and mad so they are not always afraid of coming when they hear their name.

When giving commands to your body, your tone and volume level should remain the same. Your tone conveys seriousness to the puppy and the fact that they must obey you. It will also help him distinguish between a disciplinary tone, which is sharper, and a commanding tone.

You should establish certain feeding habits for your puppy. A predictable feeding schedule and removing the food promptly will teach them to eat their food quickly. Shortly, the puppy will start finishing their food well before you plan to take the dish away.

Do not punish your puppy if they do not respond to you initially. You are the teacher and he or she is the student, so if they are not responding very well to you, it could be the fact that you are not such a good teacher.

Is your puppy a leash puller? This annoying behavior is extremely common and quite simple to rectify. Trade your leash for a puppy harness. Harnesses can be more comfortable, and allow you to enjoy a walk without your puppy pulling on its leash.

Don't shout at puppies that bark. Shouting at a barking puppy may encourage them to bark more. If your puppy is barking and you are yelling, the puppy will think that you are in agreement with him as to the need to bark at whatever perceived threat is looming.

Be sure to always grab your puppy's attention the same way. Say your puppy's name, followed by the command. Get is attention by using its name and make it follow what you want it to do. Puppys that are properly trained will respond when their name is said.

Training a puppy is a never-ending process. Command your puppy to do something before mealtimes, playtime or going for a walk. By continually reinforcing training, your puppy will quickly learn that he is to obey your commands no matter the situation. Remember, you want your puppy to follow the rules at all hours of the day and night, not just at certain times.

Pay attention to what makes your puppy bark. This way you can avoid the things that trigger barking. For example, if strange people or animals cause your puppy to bark, then you might need to spend more time socializing.

Utilize many different resources, including puppy-training books and magazines, when training your puppy. Seek out other pet lovers who have experience with your puppy's breed; they will be able to offer insight into the specific breed. Create your own puppy training program from what you have learned.

Identify what exactly it is that your puppy is always barking at to help curb the behavior. Everything from a sound to a particular person could be a trigger. This will help your puppy understand that barking is unnecessary.

Giving your puppy proper treats is the best way to train. It is important that you provide the right amount of treats at the correct times. It can create confusion for puppies if rewards are sporadic and not administered at the correct times.

Timing is of the utmost importance when it comes to training your puppy, so make sure you spend lots of time training, but don't overdo it. Begin with a training session that lasts a few minutes, and do it for a bit longer every day. Pay attention and end the session when your puppy loses interest.

By using these tactics you can effectively train your puppy. This will result in a safe pet and property. When you employ training techniques such as those listed here, you will have an easier time training your puppy, especially when you practice patience and stay consistent.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Training A Puppy - How To Have A Happy, Well Behaved Puppy

Training A Puppy
The Puppy, seen in Megalochori of Santorini (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If you're a beginner at training a puppy, you're more than likely wanting some advice on what will work to get your puppy to behave. The advice below will be of great help for training your puppy.

Among the initial commands a puppy should learn is "leave it," which instructs the puppy to drop whatever it has and step away from it. This command is a great way to avoid damaging furniture or eating dangerous things.

One thing to remember when puppy training is that all your actions are molding its behavior and personality. Keep this in mind, because negative behaviors toward the puppy might have a lasting impact. Do your best to lead your puppy in a positive direction.

Training your puppy will take work, but it is definitely doable. It isn't that hard to train, even if you don't have much time.

Repetition is what causes a puppy to learn. It may take as many as fifty repetitions before your puppy learns the command. Keep trying, your puppy will pick it up.

When correcting your puppy, be concise. Do not waste time ranting about how bad your puppy is. Inform them of your disapproval and move on. Additionally, you can raise the tone of your voice for emphasis.

If you want to be a good trainer, then you have to be firm and consistent. Try not to yell though, as negative reinforcement does not work. This fosters a strong relationship between you and your puppy.

If you are consistent, your puppy can learn to "hold it." If at home, be sure to spend some time with him and bring him outside every 50 minutes. Praise him when he uses the bathroom outside. Don't punish your puppy for eliminating inside the house. Yelling does not teach, and the puppy won't understand why you're upset. Make it a rule that fifteen minutes after the puppy eats or drinks, he is taken out for a walk. As well, he should be taken out each time he is let out of the crate.

If you want to train a well-behaved puppy, you should never walk it with a tight leash. With a tight leash, the puppy will always want to pull against it. You do not want your puppy to have this response. To help avoid this situation, leave slack in your puppy's leash.

When a puppy jumps up on you, grab its paws with your hand and lightly squeeze to let them know that it is unacceptable behavior. This does not hurt the puppy if you do it lightly, but it is an uncomfortable feeling for them. Eventually, they'll quit jumping on other people because they'll start associating jumping with this pinching.

Your puppy can provide clear indications of his wants, needs and preferences. If your puppy seems uncomfortable when associating with new animals or people, do not press the issue. He is uneasy for a reason, and that should be respected. Pushing the puppy in such situations may cause him to become aggressive.

To get a puppy to sit, place him standing upright and hoist a treat into the air. Next, move the treat a bit behind his head. He will end up looking up when following your hand. Puppys naturally sit when they do this.

If you house train your puppy, keep in mind that everything that goes in is eventually coming back out. To ensure that your puppy's bowel movements remain regular, feed him or her some high-quality food a minimum of twice per day during the same times daily. This ensures your puppy won't have accidents as you'll know when to expect a trip outside.

Use various tones of voice when training your puppy. Each tone that you give should represent the emotion of the command that you giving. Always be firm when issuing a command. Corrections should be even sharper. Praise should be offered in your natural tone.

Do not use shock collars. They almost never work as advertised and they are expensive to boot. Also, shock collars and like devices are just not nice things to use. These techniques don't normally work.

Even if it's hard for you, you should keep calm around your puppy. Your puppy cannot speak or understand English, and does not have the cognizance of a human. The puppy can only understand simple gestures and vocal tones but won't understand your meaning. You need to stay calm and just stop training if you seem to be getting frustrated.

Make sure your puppy stays calm as you enter a space that he is in. Your puppy should have the patience to wait for you to get settled and signal that you are ready to play with him. Do not acknowledge the animal when you enter and by doing so, you create a controlled atmosphere in which you decide how and when play time begins.

Training your puppy is a great way to get him to be better behaved and learn to do some neat tricks. By using the tips listed above, you will be moving forward in the puppy training world.

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Friday, February 8, 2013

Good Puppies Are The Result Of Consistent Training

Try to train your puppy the correct way so that your house is calm and peaceful. Attempt some of the following tips. Some of the hints may make all of the difference to your relationship with your puppy.

Make sure to give your puppy a good hour of exercise each and every day. When your puppy gets adequate exercise, he can be trained more effectively and it can bring out your puppy's good behavior. A puppy who has proper training and enough play time will be a happy puppy.

Sometimes, you will notice that your puppy may try to bite you during training. It is important that you establish to your puppy that you are leader of the pack. Therefore, it's important that you showcase alpha behavior so that your puppy will be aware that they aren't the leader. You are. Keep in mind that even the nicest puppies can bite if they become startled or feel threatened.

Put yourself in your puppy's proverbial shoes, or paws, rather. When your puppy is slow to learn, you may become frustrated. Don't give up- think like your puppy! Trying to see things the way that your puppy does may be able to give you an idea of the right kind of training for your puppy.

You should be sure to respond positively when your puppy does something good. Smile often and keep treats handy to ensure that the positive reinforcement is quick and consistent. Do not reward your puppy after bad behavior, it will get confused.

It will take time to train your puppy so patience is necessary. Train them gradually so they do not feel rushed into anything. Many puppies learn quickly, but others, not so much. If you are to instill the best behaviors in your puppy, you should always be patient.

Try to keep your leash loose when you take your puppy outside to train. When puppys go on walks, they frequently want to explore all the new sights and sounds. Because of their eagerness; they tend to strain on the limits of a leash. Some owners do not encourage this behavior and instead, allow some slack on the leash.

Give your puppy a clear verbal cue that means "yes" to aid in training. Using a positive word such as "yes" will fill the time between the performance of the desired behavior and the delivery of the reward.

Train your puppy to stop barking with a treat. Show the puppy a treat as incentive, then repeat the command until they obey it. Then, you reward them with a treat. This positive reinforcement will help to get your puppy to learn.

Bad behavior must be called out in the moment. Use a firm voice when you say "no" to your puppy. Do not yell and hit your puppy despite any mistakes it does. Discourage bad behavior when it occurs or soon after. Puppys can't remember very long. By waiting, your puppy will simply get confused.

To make sure your puppy's behavior stays good, you should continue training him throughout its life. Your puppy doesn't stop learning just because it's no longer a puppy. Your puppy will continue to be obedient if you use reinforcements. Continuing discipline with them will reduce the chances of bad behavior appearing.

Chewing is something that can prove to be distressing and destructive when it comes to your puppy's behavior. Training your puppy to not chew on inappropriate items will save your property, and might save your pet's life. Try keeping items where your puppy will not be able to reach for them. There are also various bitter tasting sprays that you can use to keep puppies away from immovable objects like heavy furniture.

Avoid accidents if you want to housebreak your puppy. Learn to read your puppy and anticipate his needs. It's common for them to snuffle, wise and pace when they have to go. When this happens, take action immediately. Head outdoors to the assigned potty spot right away. Give him praise when he eliminates correctly. Over time, he will be able to signal to you his need to relieve himself.

Working on your puppy's recall is essential. Regardless of the situation, your puppy must be taught to come back to you when it is called. Your puppy will learn that he is to come to you even when there are distractions after time. You might just save your canine's life some day because of recall, so never skip or pass on training this, regardless of what it takes to get it done.

Use the right size crate for effective crate training. Don't forget that puppies get bigger. Choose a crate which will be suitable for the puppy when he matures into an adult. There should be ample room for the puppy to lie down and turn comfortably.

Hopefully now that you have read this article you have a better understanding of how to effectively train your puppy. Be prepared to practice patience. A successful obedience training program will yield a much happier life with your pet.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Some Helpful Ideas For Training Your Puppy

Training Your Puppy
A blue Great Dane puppy. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Many puppies end up in shelters because they don't turn out the way their owners hoped they would, but this can often be avoided. Having anobedient puppy can be an excellent addition to your family. A little bit of time, patience and repetition are all it takes to turn your puppy into a more respectful companion.

Approach any unfamiliar puppy with care. Walk slowly toward him and allow the puppy to sniff your hand before trying to pet the puppy. This gives the puppy an opportunity to learn your scent. The puppy will no longer be afraid after he is able to recognize the scent and may begin to follow commands.

Always use positive reinforcement to train your puppy. Use petting, positive words, and occasion treats to reward your puppy whenever he does something good. Don't shout at a puppy or hit them. These are ineffective punishments and will only cause fear. You should talk to them in a stern voice but always be nice to them if they do a good thing.

With patience and a handful of tasty treats, you can easily teach your pet to roll over. Start by commanding the animal to lie down. The next step is to palm the treat and hold your hand beside your puppy's head. Slowly raise the treat over your puppy's head to the opposite side. As the puppy uses his nose to track the morsel, he will simultaneously roll his entire body over. While he rolls, say "roll over" and repeat this action until he is able to roll over with only the command. It may take a while to get to this point, but you will be pleased if you stick with it. It's an impressive trick.

If you want to teach your puppy how to sit on command, wait until he is not sitting and present a treat. Put the biscuit in the air over them and move the biscuit backwards. This will make your puppy stare up as he's watching your hand. Puppies are likely to sit when doing this.

In order to prevent barking, teach your puppy to obey orders to be quiet. Choose words to use, such as "quiet", and when they bark, use the word or words and give them a treat when they stop. When your puppy quits barking, offer him the treat. Enough repetitions will result in the puppy associating the treat with the command and remaining quiet.

You need to find out how to recognize when your puppy needs to go to the bathroom. Most puppys go through a serious of behaviors when they need to go to the bathroom. By taking the time to learn this, you are better equipped to help your puppy learn where to go. Understanding the puppy's natural disposition helps make house training simpler for everyone involved.

Make sure you're praising your puppy so that you enforce positive behavior. Show enthusiasm, smile widely and make sure the puppy gets treats after exhibiting the behaviors you want. Don't even give praise or treats when the puppy doesn't follow your commands or you will destroy what you're trying to achieve.

Chewing is a very distressing and destructive behavior. In addition to destroying your property, chewing the wrong thing can prove fatal to your pet. Keep any items that may tempt the puppy out of its reach. You should spray bitter pet deterrents on things you cannot move.

During puppy toilet training, it's important to avoid accidents. Pay attention to the cues your puppy displays to indicate that he needs to be outside. Pacing, sniffing and whining are common signs. Don't hesitate to take your puppy out whenever you notice your puppy behaving in one of these ways. Grab a leash and take your puppy to a designated spot in your yard. Be sure to give him praise for proper toileting. Soon, he'll get the picture that he can ask to go outside.

Train your puppy regularly for the best results. It is unreasonable to expect perfect training success immediately. The only way to perfect anything is through practice. Puppy training is no exception.

Puppy training needs to not use regular puppy food. For any living creature -- puppy, human or otherwise -- food is sustenance. There are better ways to reward your pet than with food. In addition to rewarding with treats, you should praise your puppy with petting.

When your pet hears you speak the word 'no', your puppy must understand that a response is not expected. While training your pet, you need to give them a lot of positive praise and strokes. Saying 'no' doesn't help your puppy understand how he should react to you. Make sure that your training regimen is unique to your specific puppy.

As has been proven in this piece, having a puppy that is well-behaved, healthy and happy is not an impossibility. In order to achieve this, you must give your puppy love and train it correctly. Keep the tips in this article in mind and you'll have a great puppy in no time.

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Friday, February 1, 2013

How To House Train Puppy

How To House Train Puppy
Basset Hound Puppy (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There are numerous benefits and rewards that come from training your puppy. A well behaved puppy will lead to a happier life. Read on to learn how to take advantage of all the benefits that come with training your puppy. You'll both like the time you spend together.

Thunderstorms can cause severe fear in some puppies. If your puppy experiences great fear when hearing thunderstorms, be sure to talk to your veterinarian. They may actually provide a sedative for such events. This is the last thing that you could in order to change his behavior, and it could be beneficial when it comes to the puppy's life.

It will take time to train your puppy so patience is necessary. All puppies are unique and differ in their learning styles and speeds. Some puppies may be better at certain things than others. If you are to instill the best behaviors in your puppy, you should always be patient.

When training, it's important to reinforce positive behaviors. While this doesn't mean to punish bad puppies, it does mean you should not encourage bad behavior. Any negative reinforcement could cause the puppy to be afraid of you. Instead, use positive reinforcement to have your puppy look forward to the results of good behavior.

Spray bottles are the perfect deterrent for bad behavior. This teaches them that these behaviors are unacceptable. Afterwards your puppy won't do these things anymore.

Consistency is king when it comes to puppy training. Consistency means using the same words for commands, the same tone, and the same rewards whenever your puppy successfully completes a task.

You can always train an older puppy, but you should always be wary of how they are feeling. For instance, if your puppy is experiencing arthritis, making it crawl long distances is not very practical. An added benefit to training an older puppy is that it will stimulate his cognitive functions. However, you should make sure these sessions are not causing any pain.

Don't shout at puppies that bark. Shouting in response to barking can actually reinforce the barking, as the puppy may see you as taking part in the fun noise-making. If your puppy is barking and you are yelling, the puppy will think that you are in agreement with him as to the need to bark at whatever perceived threat is looming.

Improving the puppy's recall is key. Your puppy has to learn to come to you, regardless of the situation. Training your puppy in small increments will help him to obey no matter what else is going on. Having your puppy come back to you might help you, or them, when in a life-threatening spot one day.

Look into whether or not your training plans will work on your puppy base on his or her breed. Some breeds are a bit more stubborn and need even more patience from you. Some breeds will require a lot of patience and repetitive training, such as bullpuppies or basset hounds.

Have some patience when dealing with your puppy. Your puppy isn't fluent in English after all. They can understand your tone and physical gestures, however they cannot understand why you are upset. You need to stay calm and just stop training if you seem to be getting frustrated.

As your puppy progresses, you won't need to exert so much control. Balancing obedience and liberty make puppies feel very satisfied. Just be cautious not to give too much freedom at once, as this may have a counter effect on your puppy training.

If your training program is to be successful, you must be committed to asserting yourself firmly. This does not mean you should continually admonish your puppy. Balance firmness with love for best results. This ensures you have a positive relationship between the puppy and yourself.

To maintain solid behavior, lifelong training is important. The puppy does not stop learning as it grows older. By reinforcing the best behavior and providing stern discipline, the negative attitude behavior will cease to appear.

Your puppy needs to learn what the word "no" means. While training your pet, you need to give them a lot of positive praise and strokes. The word 'no' itself is not enough to make your puppy understand they need to stop what they are doing. Puppies need tailored training to pull through.

When training your puppy, always say their name with authority in your voice. This will help your puppy associate good behavior with his name. Don't ever say your puppy's name with malice in your voice!

You should never spend more than a few minutes training your puppy. Training for more than fifteen minutes at a time could leave both you and your puppy tired and frustrated. After each session, you should play with your puppy, reward and praise it.

As mentioned before, the benefits of puppy training are countless. When using the advice from the above article properly, you'll see that you can even have fun training your puppy. You will both have fun and learn to work as a team.

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