If you are like most people and want your home to be clean,
having a trained puppy is crucial. However, there are many people out there who
are not sure how to train their puppies properly. You will find lots of
assistance to achieve this in the following article.
If you're going to allow your puppy the chance to go
bathroom inside, make sure there is a dedicated area for this. In the
beginning, cover a large area with potty pads, and then gradually cut that back
to just one pad.
Remember it is important to be patient when you are trainingyour puppy. Patience is the best way to keep your puppy from becoming confused
and for you to remain calm. Understand that the proper training will come with
time, so cut your puppy some slack and let them learn.
When it comes to training Fido, time is of the essence. The
goal is to avoid overdoing it while ensuring that you are devoting enough
attention to the animal. Begin by implementing brief training sessions, then
make each session progressively longer. You can figure out when your puppy
isn't paying attention during training.
If you say your puppy's name in reprimand, remember to also
say it several times in praise to counteract the negative effect. Your pet
should understand that he needn't be afraid of his name, as it can signify
something good.
Be prepared to reward the puppy as soon as it completes a
positive behavior. You want to make sure that your puppy understands that he
has accomplished a good thing. This will teach your puppy what behavior is
correct and expected.
For puppies who bark unnecessarily, try not to shout at your
pet. Shouting at a barking puppy may encourage them to bark more. They will see
that they might be barking for no reason.
Understand that during training, what your puppy eats will
go out of their system. To have your puppy on a consistent bathroom schedule,
have him or her eating quality food about two or three times every day, at the
exact same time. This way, you will have a good idea of when your pup needs to
go out, so that there is less of a chance that an accident will occur.
Remember that you are in charge when you are walking your
puppy. You should lead him, he should not lead you. Use the correct tools, such
as a harness and leash, and keep him at your heel or stop walking completely
when he pulls. Remember, you are the leader!
To keep your puppy from biting at furniture or people, or
scratching at doors, spray him or her with a bottle of water. Your puppy will
quickly learn that what he is doing is not acceptable. In no time you will have
a well behaved pet of which you can be proud.
Don't bother with shock collars. In many cases, they do not
live up to the advertising expectations created, and are just more money than
more effective and traditional training tools. Plus, using shock collars could
discourage your puppy in having good behavior. Usually if you do this your
puppy will respond in the wrong way.
If you don't want your puppy rummaging through the garbage,
make sure he gets enough to eat and that he has toys to occupy his time. Avoid
letting your trash build up, and don't fill it with tantalizing scraps that
might catch your puppy's attention. You may need to put your puppy in a crate
if you are going out or place the trash in an area he can't get to.
Try to keep accidents at a minimum when toilet training yourpuppy. Watch your puppy and recognize the signs that he is ready for a trip
outdoors. Common behaviors include snuffling, whining, and pacing around. When
you notice this, do not delay. Immediately pick up the leash and go outside to
a preferred spot. Praise them for going to the bathroom properly. Do this
consistently and he will always let you know when he needs to go outside.
Repetition is key to teaching your puppy new commands.
Repetition is key in training your puppy. Some estimate that your pet must hear
a command as many as 50 times to learn it. Being patient while trying the same
task or command will allow your puppy to understand it.
If you are consistent, your puppy can learn to "hold
it." Try taking your puppy outside each hour when you're at home. Praise
him immediately as soon as he goes to the bathroom outside. Don't yell at your
puppy for an indoor accident. He is unaware of the problem, and shouting will
be ineffective. Let the puppy outside roughly 15 minutes following food or drink,
and also each time he emerges from the crate.
The tips you just read should help you train your puppy and
keep a clean house. Form strategies you can use every day, and watch as your
puppy becomes the perfectly trained pooch.