Cover of Training Your Dog: A Day-By-Day Program |
Rewarding your dog properly and generously is the key to training.Giving your dog treats at the proper time and in the right amount is important. This is because dogs tend not always understand what it's being rewarded for when they do not get it at the right time.
Make sure the diet you are feeding your dog healthy and nutritious. A bad diet can negatively affect them in various ways. It can damage your dog's health and is not good for their health. Something as simple as improving their diet can sometimes have a dog more obedient.
The rule to remember when you begin to house training is to remember: what you feed them will eventually come out the other end. Feed your dog a high-quality diet three times daily at the same hour. This will get your dog out and avoid accidents.
Keep in mind that puppies get larger as they age. Choose a crate which will be suitable for puppy when he matures into an adult. Your dog should be able to easily turn around and not feel cramped.
Pick a recognizable phrase you will say to your new puppy during house training. When you are outside with the puppy, say "Elimination Device...Activate!" or whatever phrase you chose to call his attention to the task at hand.
As your dog becomes increasingly more responsive to training, you can provide more freedom. The balance between freedom and obedience will give your dog a great life. Just make sure your dog training efforts back.
You have to be consistent when training your dog. If more than one family member is taking part in training the pet, you need to make sure all the members of your household are using the same rewards and commands. Your dog will be more willing to be trained if the commands are ones he knows what to expect.
You should always praise your dog does something good.Do not reward unwanted behaviors and praise when your dog responds correctly.
Take your dog outside every hour to help teach him this is where you want him to use the bathroom at least once each hour.Give him a little praise if he goes to the bathroom outside. Don't yell at your dog after an accident. He won't know any better and will not help him learn.
Your dog needs to learn the "down" command.This command for your dog from jumping on someone. A dog that understands the "down" command will lie down immediately in a dangerous situation, so it's perfect for safety reasons.
Anxiety in dogs often leads to destructive behavior like chewing behavior. If you keep him in a crate and give him toys that are safe for him to chew on, he can occupy himself while you're not at the house.
Learn your dog's signals. Most dogs have a specific patterns when it comes to indicating a need to eliminate. When you are clearly attuned to these signals, you'll avoid all accidents.Being able to predict your dogs behavior will help make training easier on both of you.
If your dog places the ball someplace else and you make the effort to pick it up, he will think think he is in charge. Your dog will understand what is required if you consistently insist that it brings the ball directly to you.
Hopefully, these tips can help both you and your dog enjoy your lives more. Training your dog well makes your dog more fun to have around and cause less stress. Training, whether done by you or a professional, will make your ownership much more pleasant.