Your Dog Depends On You To Know What To Do
Much of dogs behavior comes as an instinctual response they see something moving so they chase it. This kind of behavior often results in actions that people seek to train out of a dog. By learning the right tips to counter act the dogs response one can train their dog.
All dogs need daily exercise and it can be an important part of your training efforts. Daily exercise shows your dog that he is a member of the family, as well as letting him know you are a strong leader. Exercise encourages his confidence and provides you with wonderful bonding opportunities.
Use your pets name whenever you want to get his attention. Try to do this at least ten times a day, and never call your pet to you by name to punish him. This will help you to gain better control over your pet and establish a strong relationship.
Specific feeding habits should be established with your dog. You can set a firm schedule by teaching the dog to anticipate that the food will be removed within 10 to 15 minutes of the start of mealtime. Soon your dog will be finished with the meal before you are ready to remove the dish.
Consistency is very important when you are crate training your puppy. When your puppy gets out of its crate, you need to give it the occasion to relieve itself right away. In time, the dog will have the ability to exercise restraint when it comes to nature's call.
Make sure you and your family are consistent with your commands. If one person uses "down" to tell the dog to get off the couch while another says "off" and a third is letting him lay there, the dog is going to get mixed signals. It makes it much more difficult for him to learn the commands.
Reinforce desirable behavior from your dog. Don't just rely on treats though. You can reinforce these behaviors through positive attention as well. Petting your dog and talking to him in cheerful tones can be a good incentive too. So can a new squeaky toy or a trip to the park.
Get your dog's attention the same way every time. Begin commands by using his name. Secure the dog's attention and then state what you wish him to do. Dogs usually respond to names immediately and they know you need them to be attentive.
To keep your dog from barking, you need to stop rewarding this behavior by giving him what he wants. This means paying attention to your dog, letting him inside the house or comforting him. Your dog will associate your behavior with the barking and will think that you want him to bark.
If you want to house train your dog and teach it to ask to go outside, you should associate a command with going outside. Stand with your dog close to the door, say the command and take it outside. As you repeat this, your dog will go to the door when you say the command if it needs to go.
When training a troublesome dog there are many different techniques that one can use. However a key factor is establishing that one is dominant over the dog they are trying to train. By ensuring that the dog knows who is in charge it will guarantee that the dog is listening to the person trying to train it.
When training a dog it is important to teach him good habits from the start. It is easier to instill good habits than it is to deal with bad ones. To avoid begging at the table, avoid giving the dog food off the table to begin with.
Being a proactive pet owner is the first step in training your pooch. An owner who anticipates troublesome situations for their dog, and works to keep him away from those situations whenever possible, will have a better behaved animal. Extensive training will not be as necessary if you get to know your dog so you can anticipate his actions.
Learning to recognize what is going to trigger a response from an ones dog will help one be ready to take action. After learning the right procedures an individual can train their dog to resist urges to run or other unwanted behavior. The resulting changes can make the owner very happy.