Thursday, August 6, 2020

Having A Dog That Listens Is Important

Dog That Listens

Training a dog to act the way that is desirable and in a way that is manageable, safe, and fun for the owner should be the end goals of dog training. Using the information in the following reading will allow a person to achieve these goals for training.

Make sure to let your pet know a crate is their home initially. Feed your dog inside the crate with the door open. This will allow your dog to have a positive association with the crate.

Teaching your dog a fun trick, such as "play dead" can be a fun way of distracting him. When your dogs behavior is bad, simply use the command you have established for his trick instead of using negative punishment. This provides for a fun activity for your dog and creates a positive environment for you as well.

You, as the leader of the pack, should always eat first. In the animal world the Alpha always eats before the rest of the pack. This confirms dominance and establishes trust in the leader. When you exhibit this behavior you teach your dog to respect you as leader and also to trust that you are leading in the proper way.

When giving commands to your dog, never come down to their level. Maintaining eye contact and a fully erect, dominant stance imparts control to the dog. Your dog will be receptive to commands given from this posture much easier than a crouching owner who is seen as an equal or playmate.

Consider moving your voice up or down in a specific manner associated with individual commands, to help your dog remember them better. Dogs are fantastic at understanding pitch differences, even more than understanding the sounds of the words. So if you alter your voice slightly when you say a certain command, the dog will be more likely to remember what to do.

To keep your dog from barking, you need to stop rewarding this behavior by giving him what he wants. This means paying attention to your dog, letting him inside the house or comforting him. Your dog will associate your behavior with the barking and will think that you want him to bark.

Train your dog so that living together is fun for both you and your dog. Living with a dog should not be a hardship, but it can be if you don't take the time to research the type of training a dog understands. A dog does not think like a human, so learning how to train in a way they understand will make it easier for both of you.

If you travel with your dogs, pack your dog's needs for sleep, toileting and sleeping. Water, bowls, bathroom bags and paper towels are good things to have to help everything run smoothly. You can buy dog food when you get there, of course, which is a lot easier than bringing it with you.

Make sure that you are consistent when potty training your puppy. Take your dog outside every hour to help teach him this is where you want him to use the bathroom. When he does use the bathroom outdoors, give him lots of praise. Never react harshly to your dog going potty inside. Your dog knows no better, and your yelling is not going to change things. Make it a rule that fifteen minutes after the dog eats or drinks, he is taken out for a walk. As well, he should be taken out each time he is let out of the crate.

Do not punish your dog for chewing unless you catch him in the act. For example, if you discover your shoes have been gnawed on, your dog likely does not remember. Punishing him for chewing hours later has no impact and will not help the behavior. Instead, remember to reinforce positive behavior and look for opportunities to correct inappropriate behavior when it occurs.

Your dog can be trained now that you have the know how to do so. With the right information the job can be done the right way and some fun can also be had with your dog along the way. Now that you have the knowledge you simply need to apply it.

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