Friday, August 31, 2012

Tried And True Techniques On Dog Training

Dogs are pets that are beloved and owned by many people. It is common for young animals, such as puppies, to be over-curious and to inadvertently cause damage while they explore their surroundings. Read this article to learn how you can train your dog.

You need to teach your dog how to walk when on a leash. This will help keep your dog and you safe when going for walks. When training your dog, never punish him. Try to prevent bad behavior, but if it does happen, show your dog what he should have done. Training involves positive reciprocation between you and your dog; there is really no place for punishment.

Dogs learn through trials with rewards. First, you must completely walk the dog through what you want to accomplish, and then set up a daily routine around the behavior that includes rewards. This is the best way to teach your dog new tricks. Dogs learn through repetition and reinforcement. Six months is the recommended age at which a dog should be spayed or neutered.

As soon as you have had your dog neutered start him in obedience classes. You will find that dogs that have been neutered or spayed exhibit calmer behavior and are more eager students than they might otherwise have been. You will have a lot more happy years with your dog, and your dog will have a happier, healthier life. Be aware of what foods and treats your dog loves the most. Your dog will be more motivated and work harder if the rewards you use in training are his favorite things to eat. Watch what he does when you give him the reward, whether he gobbles it up or picks at it, to see which foods will motivate him the most. Dogs often chew because they are dealing with anxiety.

Keeping your pup in a crate or other doggy-proofed space and providing appropriate chew toys will keep him occupied until you arrive home. If your dog suddenly starts exhibiting behavioral problems, take him to a veterinarian in order to rule out any serious health conditions. Sometimes pain and other health conditions can cause some animals to act strangely or lash out. Remember that your dog cannot express clearly what the problem is: you will have to pay attention to your pet. Keep an eye out for triggers for unacceptable behavior with your dog and be sure to distract him from those triggers. For example, if your dog is not very sociable, then play with him when other dogs are in the area. This will teach your dog that things he once feared or disliked have positive associations.

Having a regular feeding schedule makes house training much easier by putting their elimination needs on a schedule as well. This can train your dog to whine or come get you when he feels the urge, so you can let him out and prevent him from doing his business inside. Adhering to a schedule also helps the dog learn to wait until the proper time comes to go outside. Introductions to other animals should be done very slowly. Always take stock of your current family pets and how they will react to a new pet.

You should make sure to adopt a pet that fits your life and personality so that you can establish a good bond. You are the leader and you should not let the dog decide when he wants to listen. It is better to not give a command if you are not prepared to follow through and enforce it. Whenever you want your dog's attention, use its name. This will direct his attention to you immediately every time, and especially right before you issue a command. Practice this until you are satisfied by the dogs response. Furthermore, it is important that you never inflict punishment on your dog for responding to its name. In order to be successful in your training efforts, you must make sure your dog remains active.

Dogs are not designed to be sedentary animals. Just like you, they need to work and run around to be happy and healthy. Register for agility classes, run with your dog, and teach him or her to play Frisbee to increase activity levels. Try not to let boredom set in with your dog by keeping him active as much as possible. It is absolutely possible to enjoy the company of your pet while maintaining an orderly, attractive living environment.

Well trained dogs will never be destructive in your house, so get on it. Use the advice in this article to make living with your dog more manageable
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