Thursday, September 20, 2012

Great Tips On How To Train Your Dog

No Bones About It Dogs require training in order to teach them tricks and useful behaviors as well as discouraging them from doing bad things. This article can help you train your dog. When potty-training a puppy, stay away from the disposable training pads that you can place on your floor

The potty pads or the wee-wee pads often leak which can leave enzymes behind that will confuse the puppy as to where they should be going potty. They also will think that things that look like the pads are okay to go to the bathroom on. It is always better to take your dog outdoors to use the bathroom. Stop your puppy from chewing on something inappropriate immediately if you catch him in the act.

Through replacement, you will teach your dog that chewing is fine as long as it is an acceptable chew toy. Consistency is the key to dog training. Keep a list of commands to use, and make sure everyone who might need to command the dog knows them. Make sure everyone knows what to do in terms of rewarding the dog when it does well and not reinforcing poor behavior. Different training methods will only confuse your dog and delay training. If you are irritated or annoyed about something else, do not start a training session. Be patient when training your puppy, so you can both stay focused. Although sometimes you can train multiple dogs at once, at other times, dogs' personalities clash and make this ineffective.

Beware of this if you own more than one dog. Especially when you first begin training, your dogs can easily be distracted by each other or have different learning speeds so train them as individuals until they both fully grasp the concepts you are presenting. Keep your dog outside if you are not there. It will reduce the headache you get from the dog's uncontrollable chewing. If you cannot do this, then make rooms that have valuable items in them inaccessible. If you are trying to train your puppy, never play a tug-of-war game with it. Activities like this, along with tag and play-fighting, can encourage biting, jumping and out of control rambunctiousness. Tug-of-war can be played once you have trained your puppy; however, it should not be played before the dog is completely trained. Use your puppy's name often so that he knows to pay attention when you speak. You puppy will develop the association between his name being called, and him needing to pay attention to what you are telling him.

Choose a short name that is easily recognizable from other words. Every person in your family should know the same commands you use when training your dog. If the dog jumps up and you use "get down" but your husband says "no boy", the dog will get confused. If everyone is consistent when commanding the dog, you will find dog training much easier and successful. Big dogs that like to stretch out or lie on their backs need a big bed. It is possible to purchase large, rectangular beds that are ideal for big dogs; alternatively, you can get a crib mattress for your dog to lie on. Simply utilize fitted crib sheets to cover it.

They can be removed and washed very easily. Another good thing is that crib mattresses have a moisture-proof cover. You should always give your dog a challenge. Get him to repeat tricks you haven't practiced in a while, to keep him sharp. When training a dog, watch that you do not overdo giving the dog treats. Too many treats can really plump a dog up. These treats are often ignored when considering calories, and yet they have an impact on the diet and health of your pet. Make training fun for you and your dog. Keep the sessions limited to 15 minutes or so to avoid the dog becoming disinterested and distracted. When you give your dog rewards, make sure they are varied and as often as needed. You should lavish praises on your dog for following your instructions.

Making training fun makes listening fun, too! Your house will be a disaster, and your sanity will be out the window, if you do not train your dog. If you follow the guidelines in this article, you will be more effective while training your dog.

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