Easy Methods To Help Train Your Dog
Virtually every negative dog behavior, including barking, growling, and aggression, can be prevented or counteracted with proper training. If you have not trained these traits out of your dog, use these tips to correct this behavior. Proper training can turn any dog into the perfect pet.
A clicker and a few treats can be a very effective method of training your dog. Because a clicker can be easier for a dog to understand than a voice command, lessons can be quick and productive. Training sessions should not be longer than about fifteen minutes, since dogs do have short attention spans.
You may need to try different treats until you find what works for your pup. There are a lot of different dog treats on the market, but your dog has his own tastes and preferences just like everyone else. If a particular treat doesn't seem to get your dog motivated, try something else.
When interacting with other dogs, expect a calm, sedate attitude from your pet before letting them go loose. By establishing a calm demeanor in your pet, you will cause a ripple effect through the other animals as well as teaching your dog that you control the environment. This will make it easier to withdraw your dog when it is time to go as well.
Puppies respond best to positive reinforcement during training. You should assure that during training your puppy can not get into trouble. If you have to scold your puppy while training him, he may relate the training to being a negative experience and not be as excited as he should be about his training.
Physical punishment does not work, and can hinder training. Never ever hit your dog, especially when training. While it may appear to work because the dog stops the behavior, in reality they have only learned to fear you and not do that behavior in your presence. So toss out that rolled up newspaper and break out some tasty treats instead.
When bringing a new puppy home, plan to keep him on the leash and in your sight for a few days. When you can't be with him, have a safe place for him to go. This will help you to find your pet's trouble spots and teach him the house rules.
If you don't want your dog to chew your furniture, making it unpleasant, can help. There are many clear and odor free products on the market that you can put on an item. These products will make the item taste bitter or unpleasant, thereby, deterring your pet from chewing it.
When training a dog that is not housebroken it is important to limit the dogs time to roam around the house. By keeping the dog always by the owner it reduces the time it has to go to the bathroom in the house. The dog will not want to go by the owner and must hold it until let outside.
For enforcing proper behavior when dog training, keep in mind your dog must be praised. Get excited, smile, and give treats to help your dog relate the good behavior to something positive. Do not reward your dog after bad behavior, it will get confused.
Teach your dog hand targeting for a fun and new task that will bring you two together. Hand targeting is a way of teaching your dog to follow and touch your hand. This behavior can be built upon and turned into retrieval behaviors later on down the line. It makes for a fun project for most breeds!
Never physically abuse your dog or yell at them. A good leader takes time to research how to effectively train a dog, and does not need to yell or be violent. Swatting your dog with a rolled up newspaper or your hand only creates fear in your dog. Causing your dog to fear you causes your dog to act out in other ways which creates more problems.
Dog owners should now realize how easy the battle to train a dog can be when approached correctly. By combining a proper mindset and a good base of knowledge, any dog can become well trained. Training can actually make your dog happier and healthier.