Sunday, November 1, 2020

Fast And Easy Dog Training Tips And Strategies

Fast And Easy Dog Training Tips And Strategies

It makes no difference if you buy a new puppy or an older dog, you still need to put in the time and effort to train your pet. This article will give you some tips to get started on your endeavor and you will find that a stronger bond forms between you and your dog.

Dog training is not something that is easy to do properly, which means you should do your homework. Learning how to train your dog is almost as important as learning about dog behaviors and how they interact in a pack. Knowing what your dog expects from a pack leader makes training the animal much easier.

When formally training your dog to complete specific skills like sitting or shaking hands on command, work with them in short slots of time interspersed throughout the day. Just as humans can grow bored or even angry when being required to complete one monotonous action after another, so can dogs.

Consider hiring someone to help you train your dog. Just like playing a sport, pet training is a skill that takes time to develop. Everyone has their own style, and it may be that the way you are interacting with your pet is not quite working. Another person can help you see how to tweak your training sessions to make them a better fit for you and your pet.

It is not difficult to teach a dog how to roll over, and having some treats on hand makes it easier. Start by commanding the animal to lie down. Hold a treat between your forefingers near the left side of your dog's head, and then slowly pass the treat in front of his face and to the opposite side. This will cause your dog to use their nose to follow the treat. As a result, your dog will roll over. As he is rolling over, give the "roll over" command, and do this repeatedly until he can roll over with just the command and without the treat. Be persistent and do not give up; it might take a while but will be worth it once they learn it.

Next time your dog jumps up on you in excitement, tell them "Off" in a firm (but not angry) voice, gently push them off, and turn your back. The verbal command and action of moving them reinforces what the command means, and turning restricts their access to you. This accomplishes two things: a) your dog can't jump on you anymore, b) your dog feels he loses your attention, which is the exact opposite of what he wants. This teaches him quickly not to jump on you.

Choose a set phrase for house training your dog. Whenever you take your pet outside to use the bathroom, choose a phrase, like "go potty", so he remembers what he is there to do.

When you are training your dog, focus on what your dog does right during the training sessions, not what they do wrong. This will make training more enjoyable for both you and your dog. Enjoyable training sessions will ensure that your dog remembers what you taught and is ready to come back for more at the next session.

End each training session positively. Even if your dog has not mastered the skill you are working on, end each training session with a skill they know and praise him profusely. This ensures that each training session ends on a positive note and is a positive memory for your dog.

Start by teaching your puppy his name. Use his name frequently, and make clear that you want him to respond by coming to you when you call his name. These are the first few commands your new puppy needs to learn. Spend a lot of time with him or her so that trust can be established. In this way, he will be more receptive to advanced training later.

Now that you have found some useful dog training tips, it is time to put them into action. Before starting any training, make sure that your dog does not have any health issues that can make training harder. Read up on the specific breed of dog that you have and have fun with him.

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